♥ = body
♦ =petal (also known as the flower part and read as "field" on the seeds)
♣ = effect
(symbols are shown only for live plants/bugs-through local chat and in your modified data hud)
EFFECTS WILL BE ON THE EFFECTS PAGE (charts/mutation data section)
Current version = 15a
starting version = 15a (15a for first release)
version with issues = N/A
biggest size = titanic
smallest size = dwarf
Current problems=N/a
Racial types
(in order from the lesser to the higher)
ooh -> oor -> eeh -> eer -> aah -> aar -> uuh -> uur
(blossoms, orchids and roses also use the same racial types- and you can use a converter to change into each other- to make any rose into a blossom, a rose or into an orchid,. OR convert a blossom into and orchid (and more combinations) if you so desired-in doing so it may or may not look like the same if you bred a orchid from another orchid)
Please click the photos to get more information
click here to go to the size chart for orchids
click here to to go the racial type chart for orchids
click here to see mutation data for the orchids
​Please NOTE:
Orchids/Roses/Butterfly Blossoms can be turned into each other because they share the same racial type
however if you decide to change a melon into a strawberry (or other) - the new item may not be the same looking as if it was the original
when you convert these to something else it will say "carrot" or "strawberry" on the text of the live/birthed item even after your change it to the desired plant type
ALso, the seeds/offspring might even show a different text -
EXMPLE: You converted a melon to a carrot-the plant will say Melon though it looks like a carrot now....when it starts to produce seedlings they will all say MELON and not carrot​
NOTE YOU CANNOT UPDATE/CONVERT/CHANGE anything that is Version 15 to another version-it will not accept the size/mutation/particles and it will go grey, be the default titanic size and NOT gain any resources-you can always convert it back to a version 15 to fix this-for version 15 only has a certain amount of textures/particles -where as version 18 has many.