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Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

Hello and welcome to the papillon library.


this is the about page for papillon breedables in second life. this site is individually owned and operated by Lishajoya haven. please use the navigation of the top to get around the site.


if you have any questions or parts of this site need editing then please use the "contact" part of this site.


Or you may use the chat to converse with Lishajoya Haven or lishajoyahavenalt resident contact me in world.


also this chat is designed to connect to other gardeners so you can get live help even if you are not logged in second life.


I hope this site helps you to be a better papillon gardener!


Our Story

my love and passion for papillon breedables began back in 2011 when i got  my first butterfly when i was taking a break from my main account -lishajoya haven. from there, it grew to a passion and an addiction. from then, i transferred my garden to my main account  lishajoya haven as i transitioned to the plants. My love keeps growing for this breedable and so does my knowledge in tandem. 


Like you, (even though I have been breeding papillon for about 11 + years) I am constantly  learning and relearning about this dynamic, ever so evolutionary, beautiful and amazing ecosystem. I am fascinated by its beauty and what it all has to offer. 


My favorite part of this is that i get to meet all of you. some of you are my friends and even my family here-in which,  i would never had if it was not for the amazing community we have in papillon. so i feel like i owe papillon for some of my amazing friends and family i have now.


I also look forward in meeting any one else and any new breeders!


As a community, i hope that we all come together as family- as we learn and grow. for our passions for papillon breedables will grow as well for our love for each other to grow, for our community to grow, to help one another unconditionally,...My hope is that we grow




as a family....

as friends...

gardening together...

helping each other....

being one in heart and in spirit...

and in love


I hope you all find this website informative, helpful, useful and with the ease of use.


With a great honor I present this site to you all!

LishaJoya Haven

Meet Your Website Creator, Coder and Designer

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