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alien flowers
♥ = body
♦ =flower (read as "fruit" on the seeds but also known as the "field" as well)
♣ = effect
(symbols are shown only for live plants/bugs-through local chat and in your modified data hud)
EFFECTS WILL BE ON THE EFFECTS PAGE (charts/mutation data section)
Current version = 18D
starting version = 18C
version with issues = n/a
biggest size = grand
smallest size = dwarf
Current problems -n/a
Racial types
(in order from the lesser to the higher)
ali (has only 1 racial type)
Please click the photos to get more information
click here to go to the size chart for alien flowers
click here to to go the racial type chart for alien flowers
click here to see mutation data for the alien flowers
body ♥
fruit/flower ♦
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