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Effects - ALL

Types of particles/effects


  • Poofer -This is like sudden flash of particle/effect that suddenly comes and goes but fades away - not the be confused with pulsating effects or central effects. This type is also normally in the center of the breedable itself nut ends up fading away.

  • Ascending- these type of particles will start from the location of where the scripts are in the breedable then move upwards

  • descending- these particles move from the center of the breedable where the scripts are and then move downwards.

  • orbital- this effect starts from the center of the breedable (where the scripts are at) and will poof off in multiple directions. Some of these appear to have a spinning behavior on them as well.

  • circular -these are particles that appear to move in a circular fashion around the breedable (mostly non tinted ones)

  • central -these types of effects will pop up in the main script area of the breedable but in the center of it. It may appear to look like poofer effects but these are location in the middle of the breedable itself. these effects are more solid in color/texture and last longer than poofer effects normally do.

  • Pulsating -this effect comes in and our very fast over and over again and will be in the center of where the scripts are from the breedable itself. then it will fade away and then reappear. This behavior happens over and over

  • Hovering-these particles are normally only Tintable and their behavior is that they linger over the top of the breedable-towards the center, then poof very strongly and linger for a long while, then proceed to face away slowly.

  • Multiple- this will be many different textures in 1 particle. this will also have deferent type of behavior along with it (i.e.: poofer, ascending, descending etc.) along with it.

  • Tintable- these will also be many different textures but will be colorable to the RGB of the breedable itself. this will also be in every poofer type mentioned above.

  • non tinted- These will be specific texture(s) for the particle(s) itself and will be multi colored/multi textured and cannot be tinted with a color. its hardwired that way. also be in every poofer type mentioned above.



below is all the effects for every papillon type.


both the breedable type and the effects this list will be in alphabetical order.


If there is any that is missing or not listed please IM/note card Lishajoya haven.​


please note that this section will always be an ongoing section so parts may be incomplete for some time.


CLICK on any of the photos to get a link to the GIF of each effect for each breedable-

this will take you to a new page after clicking the link.


I hope this helps you!

Crystal clusters

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