Racial types
this is where you will see the different racial types by each breedable type.
Racial type: this is the basic evolutionary order in which your papillon go.
this also shows what basic wing/body texture (snails)/leaf/stem/flower/combat bonuses (snails)/bonuses/overlay and more before any other mutations added (i.e.- wing, particle, body, etc.) .
please do NOT confuse racial types with racial class. they are entirely 2 different things.
the racial types will be in order from left to right in the description and (top to the bottom -from left to right) in the photos
these will be listed
as an example:
(agaves): aga> agb> agc> agd> age> agf> agg> agh
aga= lowest racial type agh= highest racial type
AGAVE racial type
aga>agb>agc>abd>age>agf>agg>agh>HAL (was a mistake)
alien flower racial type
ali (has only 1 racial type)
anthuriums racial type
the top part is the spadix (the pointy thing at the top)
the spathe is the "flower"​
both the spathe and the spadix are the "flower" part in papillon​
the stem is the "body"
then the bottom is the leaves
All these change on the racial class​