{Papillon} Mondo Rewards Card: Every 7500-points gives you a chance to win one of dozens of prizes. Your odds of winning one of the rarer prizes is based on how many times you've gambled; the more times you try, the better your odds are of moving into the next category of prizes!
{Papillon} Mondo Rewards Card: Prizes include plants (tiny, small, large, and gigantic), gardening supplies (5-charge, 15 charge, and possibly even eternal!), accessories (bee hives, longevity pools, warming stones, hollow logs), and even ultra-rare 'special' chrysalis' with enhanced mutation chances that can give incredible results.
{Papillon} Mondo Rewards Card: Every attempt at a prize will result in SOMETHING being rewarded, though most attempts will get something fairly mundane; on a single attempt, your chances of winning something spectacular are roughly one in a thousand; every additional attempt gradually reduces that ratio until you reach one in a hundred; upon receiving a special prize, your count resets to one in a thousand.